the possibility of blogging!
starting a blog
written on 2020-04-04
hello wrld
it's 11:11 pm right now where i am. i spent the last couple of hours looking up possibilities for digital blogging and journaling. some of the ones i found:
why blog
i had one those rushes of ideas and thoughts after i finished eating dinner (which was this pasta recipe by gabie kook) and was kind of scrambling to keep track of everything. now i have like 50 tabs open and i'm kinda overloaded, and i don't want to push everything to my firefox tab manager again (kind of like sweeping stuff under the carpet) so i said i'll make a blog. for myself, mostly...we'll see

i'm also learning markdown while writing this. pretty cool, i like writing in text editor so this is pretty nice and i don't have to worry about html tags and what not.
some thoughts on blogging
- i've been falling off the habit of journaling for quite some time, and also journaling, which i usually do in small pocket notebooks, has usually been for more personal stuff/day to day ephemera, mood swings/sloppy feelings, and rituals of winding down. (i could put everything into one notebook but a) my handwriting has been getting worse because i don't write by hand as often as i used to and b) i'm a virgo so i guess i have to compartmentalize and organize things..) i think this would be more of a ""work"" related platform which means
- digital hoarding
- ideas i'm working through to put into some kind of...material? practice (whatever that means)
- lots of pictures/documentation
- keeping track of things i'm learning (in a greater effort to be in touch with...what learning might mean, being better at learning or at least having a new relationship to it)
- keeping my friends updated with what i'm doing, which leads to
- i've been thinking of ways to update those close to me ~~my circle? my network?~~ in ways that feel β admittedly in what feels like a selfish way β managable for my energy. i stopped using instagram a year ago to post things; i've never used twitter for anything other than bookmarking threads and articles i want to read; i don't think i have the confidence to pop up in your inbox w tinyletter...also i don't like how these platforms (i guess including tinyletter because it shows up in your inbox) are looped into systems of..."content" (specifically within corporate/monetized "social media networks")? like...i feel like instagram and twitter make me go batshit sometimes even though i try to minimize the ways i engage. and obviously my inbox is full of this feels like a good, minimal way to create a working archive for myself, that other people can opt into if they want/if i want them to also
- cool way to lean back into...learning about technology/digital tools..whatever that means. my relationship to technology/programming/computation, or whatever encompasses that, has been really alienating (mostly due to fucked up internalized + institutionalized cultures of work/academic production). but i know that there are things about this kind of study that excite and interest me...for instance, i'm writing this in a text editor right now so that i can publish it later when i figure out the deal with peer to peer networking and distributed this is kind of a stepping stone for that
- practicing non-judgement with myself + the things i make + research. space to trust my values and desires + see things out at my own pace...we'll see how long i can keep it up for
- i really appreciate when folks share their knowledge + thoughts + processes on blogs. maybe that will happen here, maybe it will not
- i didn't realize i needed a sketchbook until i had to make one for class. now i write all kinds of stuff in there...i have a triple venn diagram for "embarrassing middle/high school interests" that only has "homestuck" and "john green" in it lol; anyway i have a lot of stuff in there that's basically illegible
- i wonder how knowing this may or may not be public may change the way i write + share info, or the way i begin to trust myself + cherish what i think and feel. i always felt like posting on instagram, for instance, was performative and disingenuous and have considered several times what making a finsta would feel like. here is my..words finsta...
stuff i was looking at today (vaguely organized)
generative text
- concepts bot (@conceptsbot) / Twitter
- I Magma
- Hannah Davis Β» About + Contact
- dr. joe baxter-webb (@joebaxterwebb) / Twitter
- Cheap Bots, Done Quick!
- Tracery tutorial Β· Appropriation, Iteration, Recontextualization
- Allison Parrish
- A Quick Twine (2.2+) Tutorial: Computational Approaches to Narrative
- Allison Parrish | on Twitter: "a quick tutorial on working CSV files (using the dogs of new york data!)" / Twitter
- Allison Parrish ( - Friend Camp
- Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup
- Electronic Rituals, Oracles and Fortune Telling
- p5.js Web Editor | Personality test
- aparrish/text-resources: I have this big list of links to text stuff that I like, so I thought I'd make it into a repository.
- keytweeter on Vimeo
- rwet/neural-network-text-prediction-with-textgenrnn.ipynb at master Β· aparrish/rwet
- AI Weirdness β’ FAQ
- rwet/understanding-word-vectors.ipynb at master Β· aparrish/rwet
- Appropriation, Iteration, and Recontextualization Β· Appropriation, Iteration, Recontextualization
- Twitter Bots Β· Appropriation, Iteration, Recontextualization
- Grapefruit (book) - Wikipedia
- You Are Not Here
- Depression Quest: An Interactive (non)fiction About Living With Depression: Next
- Material of language
web publishing