

updates from may-june, notes on the process of setting up a blog

update list process meta

written on 2020-06-14

hello warld - REDUX!

i'm back (i say to myself in my little text editor)! right now i'm listening some music and reflecting on the past two months. some very quick updates:

update on blogging

after doing a bunch of research on blogs + cms tools, i decided to make my own blog; this is mostly because the platform i was most interested in (blot) cost 4 dollars a month, and i'm a cheapskate (this is probably very reasonable given the cost of hosting and all). i also looked up free/open-source alternatives that could be configured using python (eg: pelican, engineer, and hobo, which was almost the one i decided on but i installed it and i think it's just...helplessly outdated) but decided two things: 1) i'm only really ever going to need to publish markdown files and 2) maybe (haha) this will be a good opportunity to keep up my programming skills.

some requisites:

  1. need to convert markdown to html
  2. templates for a landing, article pages, and archive (?? actually i don't know how blog works)
  3. ~~search function (not hard to implement, but probably annoying to optimize)~~ actually i'm a fool, and this is only something that can be accomplished dynamically
  4. tagging function (probably easy to implement?)

some cool things that big brain future me might be able to do:

  1. publish html + javascript code snippets/sandboxes?
  2. adjustable theming on client side (like the poetic computation reader)
  3. really easy tagging system or content sorting system (i'm thinking of those apps that let you swipe to delete photos, maybe implementing a keybind to certain tags/"press key to assign tag" method)
  4. link bot tweets or recent listens/tabs/activity as a scrolling marquee...kind of like this
  5. create a series of lists (eg: reading, project) that can be accessed outside of posts and checkmarked
  6. port this into the p2p web (??)

the goal today1 is to just set up a quick and probably gross local system so i can just put markdown files in a folder and view them. i'll probably eventually host the blog on github or something else. florian dahlitz has a great guide to doing a simple markdown to html blog that runs on a flask architecture, thankfully i know what all those words mean ahaha...

eventually one thing i want to keep in mind is the computational cost of everything — not that this will be like that, but i'd like to refer to examples of "low-tech" publishing as a guide for figuring out hosting, databases, etc. some additional resources:

ongoing questions/notes on process

a tentative reading/watching/listening list

projects i'd like to work on (no order)

cu lion dance


zine making


""creative technology""

stuff i was looking at today (vaguely organized)

note: i hand typed the text for each hyperlink — not sure if i should do this consistently for future posts (before i just grabbed all open tabs and ported them into the markdown file)


alternative/digital publishing

  1. actually, i wrote this over the course of several days 

  2. what a website can be